I Remember When
Dwaine/Bro. Patterson...

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Tiffany McDaniel

I remember when Brother Patterson and my Uncle asked me to learn a song that they liked (but I thought it was so boring). At the time it seemed so hard to play on the saxophone. But some years later at an event that he attended we were playing background dinner music and before the song even finished playing all I heard was his loud clapping. Later that evening he said see It took a while but you got it.


I remember so many memories I had through the years. But what I would relate is that Dwaine was a father in ways to me. He cared for his family and always cared for his obligations with the congregation and to Jehovah. Dwaine was also very resourceful in my life when it came to spiritual and financial situations I found myself in. He will surely be missed and I anxiously wait to greet him again in the new world.

Mark Patterson

I Remember meeting my Brother & his wife at the Conyers. GA. Assembly Hall. Wow, Darren, you look just like your Dad!!! And I know Mom was in the mix as well.😆😆😆😆😆😆
Bro. Mark Patterson

Jerrell Staples

I remember having so many fond memories of Brother Patterson while we were in the Terrace congregation together. He always has something witty to say. Prayers of comfort to the Patterson family.

Rena & Andre Worthy

I remember working in field service with Bro Patterson. He kept the car group lively. lol. You would always get a good laugh and spiritual insight. He was a good brother and will be missed.

Yvette Kidd

I remember Brother Patterson was an excellent teacher of the scriptures. His instruction on Bible prophecy was clear and understandable. His knowledge was instrumental in helping many in various congregations appreciate and enjoy God’s word.


I remember back in the 1980's, in the Terrace Rd Congregation, Dwaine was the Theocratic Ministry School overseer. I was impressed by his love of the Scriptures, and his explanations of historical events and people. That encouraged me to try to be a good student of the Bible.
What benefitted me most, and still does to this day, is that Dwaine had a very humble and modest view of himself. When I would commend him or praise him for something he did, he would always downplay his role, often referring to himself as "just a knucklehead". I think that was one of his favorite words. I can still hear him saying it.
In fact, in those moments when I get to thinking too much of myself, those words and example of Dwaine replay in my mind. What a gift he has given me. The best thing we can do with our imperfect lives is to honor Jehovah with everything we do, and to be a good influence on others. That is what Dwaine did, and that's how I remember him.
If we imperfect creatures can so fondly remember our loved ones, how much more so does our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah remember them. Your friend and brother, Daniel Lah

Jalen Smith

I remember when Bro. Patterson let me borrow his lawn mower so I could cut grass to make money in the summer when I started Pioneering. Now i'll always cut his grass for free.

Darren Crenshaw

I remember when Bro. Patterson bought me a tie and invited me to his family his worship. I liked working out field service with him.

Sis. Crenshaw

I remember when Brother Patterson kicked me! That was too funny. Sis. Patterson told him to keep his feet to himself! He would drop little tidbits about his life and service to Jehovah.

James Adams

I had the privilege of knowing and being in his book study group when I was younger. Had not seen Patterson in decades but the last time we saw each other tears were dropped. Once again my brother when we see each tears of joy will drop again.
With LOVE James Adams

A Friend

I just remember being happy some other Witness kids lived on Brunswick when we moved there in 85. Then I remember him showing me how to “properly throw a football”. And at some point he nicknamed me “Smart Marc” and that stayed up until the last time I saw him a few years ago. Love you Brother Patterson and can’t wait to see you again.

Jaron Roach

I'll always remember when Brother Patterson showed me how to perform a tune up on my bicycle when I was 8 years old.
I know that his nap will be very brief.